
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

I have a Parlor, Take the different formulas for domestic disputes

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Cure of every disease: Daily recite یا عظیم in morning and evening as you get time, Insha’Allah cure from every disease.

Humera Zaman, Anonymous

I have a Parlor, Take the different formulas for domestic disputes

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahab, Assalam o alaikum. May Almighty Allah give you long life (amen). May this system of spiritualism continues up to the end of times. May Allah succeed you and bestow His countless blessings on you (amen). You have come in to our life as a blessing, and our life has changed. You have made our life like remembrance of Almighty Allah and to seek His will. Hakeem sahab! I really help my friends with pure heartedly and Allah reward me for this. I wish to help others, because this body will be the food for insects, so why I should not help others? I suggest the Zikr and spiritual processes to all ladies who came to my Parlour, on which they act, and get the desired results, and they all pay thanks to Allah, that He brought us to you. Hakeem sahab, I received a lot of observations of "Hameem La Yunsaroon".

The sin before marriage, now the married life destroyed

 One of friends once came to my Parlor in worry. Her life was like hell, she wanted to talk to me. I was busy with customers, but finally I sit with her after getting free from customers. She pulled me in to my office and started weeping. I served her water, and asked her what happened to you? You were a jolly girl, I never saw worried on your face? She drank water, and told me that her life has become living in hell in her in-laws. Her husband used to beat her, but she never complained, hoping for the better situation in future. She was leading life like these good and bad times, and she became mother of four kids. Then suddenly the hour has come, she paused and again started weeping. I inspired her and asked her the rest of the matter. She then told that before her wedding she had mislaid and was loving a boy. She used to take selfies with him, went for the meal and in parks with him. Then he went abroad and my parents decided my wedding here. Now he has come back, and somehow has got my number. He has started blackmailing me, and threaten me for the photos. He said "if you did not meet me, I will show all of these photos to your husband." Now I don't have any option to accept his demand, I know his evil desire. He says to me just accept him once, and he will return all photos, but he will never do it. She started weeping more after telling all of this to me, and I was worried. I said her, never accept him and nor she should go there, as this is a serious sin. The she asked what to do, and where should I go? To whom I should appeal for? I said you should pray and appeal to the One and Only Almighty Allah, who knows everything and hides the sins of a person from others and bless him/her. I will tell you a spiritual process, do it and then see yourself how will you succeed? Get up in Tahajjud time, say two nawafil for sustenance, and pray to Allah with inner of your heart, and read "Hameem La Yunsaroon" whole day without counting, and finish its counting for up to many hundred thousand. She controlled herself, committed to do this act, thanked me and went out of Parlour. She really did that act with such a devotion and faith that she succeeded. Allah revealed her heart, to control herself and she got the power and expressed all of these to her uncle. Her uncle ensured her that it will remain secret. Her uncle was an influential person of the area, he kidnapped him and carried him to his place. First her uncle tried to convince him softly, but when he did not accept, then he had beaten him by his servants, broken his mobile, formatted all the data from his mobile. He the wicked apologize her uncle and promised to never tease her again. Her uncle warned him not to repeat this sin again, and he committed to do so. Today seven months passed, my friend comes to me, and she thanked me and Ubqari. She said, the spiritual act in Ubqari saved me and my home. She further described that now she has become wealthy and getting her husband's love and care in abundance that she has become regular in prayers. She said "I have got all of these blessings by the grace of this Holy words of Quran. She further told that she keep reading these Holy words till today and never forget to pray for her uncle.

The disturbance in home, lack of money and fights of in-laws finished

A lady comes to my Parlour, previously her family matters was so good. But after some times she left coming to my Parlour, when I asked her, she told me that her husband's job discontinued, he has come back from abroad, and they have got short of all savings. Now the matters are too bad, and I and my husband fight all the time. She was continuously weeping when telling this to me. I gifted her an Ubqari magazine, and told her to read "Hameem La Yunsaroon" in hundreds of thousand numbers. In a few months, Allah Kareem sustained her, her husband went abroad even he was not agree to go, and was not earning here also. Now after a year she was telling me that she has bought a double story home in 52 hundred thousand. Her husband comes after every 3-months. Her conflicts with in-laws are all finished. Now she is living independently in her own home. She again described that whenever she face any calamity she started doing this spiritual act, and all of her calamities finished. I shall write more of my observations for the next editions for the sake of well-being of hundreds of thousand people and for my long lasting virtue.

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahab, Assalam o alaikum. May Almighty Allah give you long life (amen). May this system of spiritualism continues up to the end of times. May Allah succeed you and bestow His countless blessings on you (amen). You have come in to our life as a blessing, and our life has changed. You have made our life like remembrance of Almighty Allah and to seek His will. Hakeem sahab! I really help my friends with pure heartedly and Allah reward me for this. I wish to help others, because this body will be the food for insects, so why I should not help others? I suggest the Zikr and spiritual processes to all ladies who came to my Parlour, on which they act, and get the desired results, and they all pay thanks to Allah, that He brought us to you. Hakeem sahab, I received a lot of observations of "Hameem La Yunsaroon".

The sin before marriage, now the married life destroyed

 One of friends once came to my Parlor in worry. Her life was like hell, she wanted to talk to me. I was busy with customers, but finally I sit with her after getting free from customers. She pulled me in to my office and started weeping. I served her water, and asked her what happened to you? You were a jolly girl, I never saw worried on your face? She drank water, and told me that her life has become living in hell in her in-laws. Her husband used to beat her, but she never complained, hoping for the better situation in future. She was leading life like these good and bad times, and she became mother of four kids. Then suddenly the hour has come, she paused and again started weeping. I inspired her and asked her the rest of the matter. She then told that before her wedding she had mislaid and was loving a boy. She used to take selfies with him, went for the meal and in parks with him. Then he went abroad and my parents decided my wedding here. Now he has come back, and somehow has got my number. He has started blackmailing me, and threaten me for the photos. He said "if you did not meet me, I will show all of these photos to your husband." Now I don't have any option to accept his demand, I know his evil desire. He says to me just accept him once, and he will return all photos, but he will never do it. She started weeping more after telling all of this to me, and I was worried. I said her, never accept him and nor she should go there, as this is a serious sin. The she asked what to do, and where should I go? To whom I should appeal for? I said you should pray and appeal to the One and Only Almighty Allah, who knows everything and hides the sins of a person from others and bless him/her. I will tell you a spiritual process, do it and then see yourself how will you succeed? Get up in Tahajjud time, say two nawafil for sustenance, and pray to Allah with inner of your heart, and read "Hameem La Yunsaroon" whole day without counting, and finish its counting for up to many hundred thousand. She controlled herself, committed to do this act, thanked me and went out of Parlour. She really did that act with such a devotion and faith that she succeeded. Allah revealed her heart, to control herself and she got the power and expressed all of these to her uncle. Her uncle ensured her that it will remain secret. Her uncle was an influential person of the area, he kidnapped him and carried him to his place. First her uncle tried to convince him softly, but when he did not accept, then he had beaten him by his servants, broken his mobile, formatted all the data from his mobile. He the wicked apologize her uncle and promised to never tease her again. Her uncle warned him not to repeat this sin again, and he committed to do so. Today seven months passed, my friend comes to me, and she thanked me and Ubqari. She said, the spiritual act in Ubqari saved me and my home. She further described that now she has become wealthy and getting her husband's love and care in abundance that she has become regular in prayers. She said "I have got all of these blessings by the grace of this Holy words of Quran. She further told that she keep reading these Holy words till today and never forget to pray for her uncle.

The disturbance in home, lack of money and fights of in-laws finished

A lady comes to my Parlour, previously her family matters was so good. But after some times she left coming to my Parlour, when I asked her, she told me that her husband's job discontinued, he has come back from abroad, and they have got short of all savings. Now the matters are too bad, and I and my husband fight all the time. She was continuously weeping when telling this to me. I gifted her an Ubqari magazine, and told her to read "Hameem La Yunsaroon" in hundreds of thousand numbers. In a few months, Allah Kareem sustained her, her husband went abroad even he was not agree to go, and was not earning here also. Now after a year she was telling me that she has bought a double story home in 52 hundred thousand. Her husband comes after every 3-months. Her conflicts with in-laws are all finished. Now she is living independently in her own home. She again described that whenever she face any calamity she started doing this spiritual act, and all of her calamities finished. I shall write more of my observations for the next editions for the sake of well-being of hundreds of thousand people and for my long lasting virtue. 

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